My First Post
I’ve finally decided to retire my old Tumblr page. It’s honestly surprising that it’s still functioning after a decade of neglect, but the time has come to move on. I’m transitioning to Hugo, a static site generator. I chose Hugo for my new website because it allows me to host it for free, and a static site offers the scalability and longevity I’m looking for. More complex setups eventually break down as frameworks become obsolete.
Before Tumblr, I had an old Drupal site. I have a backup somewhere, but getting it up and running again is ridiculously complicated. I’d need to restore a MySQL database, find a host for it, and track down the compatible version of Drupal. It’s an absurd hassle and would cost money to host and maintain. Hosting fees for my crappy little website should be under 10 bucks a month, but that seems really high for a website that may get 3 views a months.